Purpose: We exist to Follow Jesus as Savior, Lord, and King.

Vision: We have a vision to see Every Person in Lackawanna County Following Jesus.

Mission: We are Calling All People to Follow Jesus through Sharing the Love and Truth of God with Them in Word and Deed.

Core Values: Through prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus by:

  • Repenting from sins - No one in our church is perfect. We continually confess our rebellion against God and receive His gift of cleansing and forgiveness through faith in Jesus. If you need cleansing and forgiveness, you’ll fit right in.

  • Remembering Jesus’ Work - We regularly rejoice in the sacrifice, redemption, and love of our resurrected Lord, both in our formal church functions and in our individual private lives.

  • Remaining in Jesus - We commit to live together as a church, in unity, selflessness, and sacrificial love. We embrace life as the remnant who stay faithful to Jesus amidst many trials and temptations, experiencing the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and church. We seek opportunities in our community to share the good news and do the good works of Jesus’ Kingdom.

  • Resting in Jesus - We fall on Jesus for peace, hope, love, and joy in our weakness and share this rest with those who are lost, hurting, and broken.

  • Reigning and Ruling with Jesus - As ambassadors and heirs of Jesus, we boldly carry the Good News of his Kingdom to our community through sacrificial love and generosity in both word and deed, calling them to be reconciled to God and likewise follow Jesus as Savior, Lord and King.


Meet the Pastor

Pastor Hadley Hayes and Wife Dorothy Ann

Dylon was born and raised in Susquehanna, PA. He became a believer in Jesus when he was 15 years old. At that time, he received the call of the Lord to be a pastor. He spent his freshman year at Word of Life Bible Institute in Pottersville, NY and finished his bachelor's degree in theology at Clarks Summit University (formerly Baptist Bible College). He is currently pursuing his master’s of divinity at Wesley Biblical Seminary.

He loves the Green Bay Packers, listening to audiobooks, and deep philosophical and theological discussions. He is excited to be able to serve a community close to where he grew up.

Dylon and Renee met right up the road in Clarks Summit, PA when Dylon was a student at Clarks Summit University. After being good friends for several years, they started dating, got engaged, and were married in the Poconos. They moved to the Philadelphia Area where Renee was finishing her master’s degree in counseling at Cairn University. From 2016-2021, they served at churches in the Philadelphia Area in various capacities. During that time, both of their sons Roland (age 4) and Ogden (age 2) were born.

Renee was born and raised in and around Cleveland, OH. She became a believer at a young age under the teaching of her parents who love Jesus. She is currently a stay at home mom. She enjoys writing, as she has a blog that focuses on Christian motherhood and healthy use of technology. She is also looking forward to self publishing her first ebook soon. Renee loves conversations with friends over loose leaf tea, spending time in nature and around wildlife, and reading a good book.

Roland is a ball of energy. He is adventurous, assertive, and probably a little bit crazy. He loves dinosaurs and construction trucks. Ogden is all smiles and laughter. He follows his big brother everywhere and is learning how to talk. He loves music and dancing, playing with trains, and anything to do with turtles.